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        Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
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          Exploration Vacation
          Despite sweltering heat in most parts of the country, summer has traditionally been a high travel season in China, and one largely fueled by students taking a break from their schoolwork
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          No One Left Behind
          In 2019, Xizang Autonomous Region bid farewell to absolute poverty, 60 years after its people emerged from the shackles of serfdom
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          Sustainability Surge
          Travelers visiting Zhangjiakou City, located some 200 km northwest of Beijing, are in for a pleasant surprise
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          Enough Room
          FedEx. Boeing. Apple. These household names and others were represented in a U.S.-China Business Council (USCBC) Board of Directors' delegation to China in late July
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          Two hands
          Market dysfunction has long prompted economists to explore a more nuanced approach, characterized by a combination of the visible and invisible hands. China's exploration of a socialist market economy gives these economists food for thought
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          Continuity and change
          The recently concluded conference of senior Communist Party of China (CPC) officials will likely go down in history as a major milestone in the country's development
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          An eco-friendly economy
          As its eco-friendly products go global, China is keen to share its concept of mutually supportive environmental and economic development internationally
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          Evolving openness
          From the Alpine town of Davos to the Chinese coastal city of Dalian, the World Economic Forum has come a long way
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          Reform drives progress
          The establishment of Xiongan is just one of the transformative steps China has taken since the 18th Communist Party of China National Congress in November 2012
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          Out of many, one
          It is important to study China's ethnic groups in the broader context of the Chinese culture. Understanding the Chinese civilization requires taking into account all of these groups
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          Game changers
          The mere mention of the word "countryside" used to conjure up images of a dull, rustic life. But things are changing fast. Several trendy sports events that have emerged in China's rural areas are becoming national phenomena, shattering long-held stereotypes
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          Lunar leap
          As China works toward its goal of uncovering the moon's mysteries, it remains open to international collaboration. The country has underlined its commitment to the peaceful use of space technology and is ready to share its discoveries with the global community
        Opinion   more
        Fact Check
        Delayed tariff increases may signal improved ties
        By Lan Xinzhen
        Fact Check
        Committing to a Globalized Labor Market
        By Lan Xinzhen
        Exploration Vacation
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